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Best universities to study medicine in America.

Harvard Medical School :

 Johns Hopkins University to study medicine:

Johns Hopkins University is one of the best universities to study medicine in America and these universities are characterized by being equal to all applicants to it Do not specify a percentage of international students

3_ Stanford University School of Medicine


4_ Yale University School of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine at Yale University is a place to study medicine in America, as it teaches many medical programs, medical degrees, such as public health, nursing, treating doctor, doctorate and other programs, and the university also asks its students before graduation to make a thesis in an original research that has not been studied before, and this university is characterized by its acceptance to about ten foreign students each year, but it requires them to prove that they can cover the costs of studying and living.

5 _ Duke University School of Medicine:

The College of Medicine at Duke University is one of the most important places where a student can study medicine and this university is characterized by the presence of a number of programs that train both medical students residents and research colleagues postdoctoral fellows physical therapy physician assistants and forensic assistants This university accepts many international students on an annual basis provided that these students prove their ability to pay for study and

6 _ Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

The Faculty of Medicine of this institute is one of the most important medical schools in America, where this university is characterized by its heritage and teaching medicine according to the latest curricula in the world, as it provides its students with the study of medicine practically in hospitals equipped with the latest medical means, which makes the graduate of this university ready to start his work as a professional doctor immediately.

7 _ Columbia University:

8 _ University of Arizona:

9 _ University of California at San Francisco:

The Faculty of Medicine of this university is one of the most important medical schools in America and the Faculty of Medicine at this university is characterized by the quality of teaching and its large number of. Research in the medical field This university has a large number of treatment centers such as kidney transplantation and liver transplantation center Diagnostic radiology Brain surgery Eyes Gene therapy Women's health Fetal surgery. Pediatrics in addition to internal medicine. This university receives a number of international students wishing to study medicine in it after they prove their ability to cover the costs of study and living in it.

These were the best universities to study medicine in America.

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What are the best American universities to study medicine.

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سُئل في تصنيف المناهج الدراسيه بواسطة منتج الحلول (3.9مليون نقاط)
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